Tree & Bench Donations

Tree & Bench Donations

The Clinton Parks and Recreation Department welcomes the donations of trees, park benches and other amenities within the facilities we manage. These generous donations grace our parks and public areas for decades, while providing organizations, families and individuals with a unique opportunity to mark a notable event or honor a special person.

About Tree Donation:

  • The Clinton Parks and Recreation Department along with the Facilities Department will determine the type of tree best suited for the planting location. This information will be shared with the donor. As a donor if you have a specific tree in mind please discuss this with the director to see if the request can be accommodated.
  • The tree will be donated for the life time of the tree
  • Your tree is guaranteed for three years after planting. This guarantee includes replanting of tree should acts of nature or vandalism inhibit the growth of the tree.
  • To ensure optimum growing conditions, trees are planted in the spring and fall. Department crews and or a professional will plant all trees.
  • Plaques and markers can be placed at the base of the tree. These plaques are above and beyond the tree donation and must be handled by the individual donors. Donors are responsible for the creation, payment and placement of said plaques. The Town of Clinton and The Clinton Parks and Recreation Department is not responsible for any damage to said plaques. All plaques to include wording MUST be approved by the Clinton Parks and Recreation Director & Commission prior to placement.


Donations include the cost of the tree along with any/all planting costs that may incur. The plaque or memorial stone is not included in this donation. The Clinton Parks and Recreation Department can recommend a vendor for this service. Price of the tree donation is dependent on the type and size of tree being planted.

  • Basic Tree donation $1,500-$2,000

About the Bench Donation:

  • The donor, with guidance from the Parks and Recreation Director will determine the style of bench, engravings, and plaque wording to be approved by the Parks and Recreation Commission prior to ordering. We would be glad to assist in connecting donors to local companies that provide these services. CPR staff will then select the optimum location within the park based on availability. 
  • Benches are installed between May and October according the work schedule of the Facilities Department.

Financial Information:


Donations include the cost of the bench along with any/all install costs that may incur. Donors can select to add a plaque to specific styles of benches for an additional cost.

  • Granite BenchThe basic 4′ straight bench in grey granite—Approx. $1300
  • The larger 6 ‘ curved grey granite bench with 6″ thick seat – Approx. $2300
  • Granite Bench with back- $1700-$2300
  • Cost of foundation work- $600.00
  • Cost of engraving
  •  $5.50 per character, average is $100-$150
  • Traditional Bench (dependent on park for matching style) — $800.00-$1,800
  • Plaque on bench- $100-$200
  • Cost of foundation work- $600
  • Options are steel bench or traditional Douglas Fir Bench with wooden slats.
  • Swinging Bench
  • Basic swinging bench- $1,500
  • Install costs: $600
  • Plaque on bench- $100-$200

To secure said locations a deposit of 50% is preferred before any work is scheduled to begin.

General Information:

  • Any materials can be mailed to Clinton Parks and Recreation Department, Attn: Mackenzie Maloof- 560 High Street Clinton, MA 01510
  • All checks are made out to ‘Town of Clinton’
  • For any questions please contact the Interim Director at 978-365-4140 ext. 300 Mackenzie Maloof –
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